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April 21, 2014

GMN Sponsoree Stars in Award-Winning Documentary

Longtime GMN sponsoree Chris Gray is starring in a brand-new documentary currently making its way through the Aussie film circuit. Here is what Chris has to say,

"It's won a bunch of awards on the film festival circuit, and is now screening in Australian cinemas later this month. Yep, our adventure is on the big screen! We're thrilled with how it looks, and we're even more excited to finally show you what it was like out on Victoria Island." 

Global Marine Networks supported Chris during his journeys with XGate satellite email service to facilitate satellite communications while in the most remote places on the planet. Are you interested in seeing how the Victoria Island crossing went? Watch the trailer here:

The Crossing - Documentary Trailer from Umbrella Entertainment on Vimeo.

GMN Sponsorships

GMN is proud to sponsor adventurers and voyagers all over the planet. The GMN sponsorship review board meets regularly to review sponsorship requests and determine how our products and services can best help intrepid adventurers the world over.

You can see a list of recent GMN sponsorship projects by visiting the dedicated sponsorship page.

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